How to become Geologist in India?


To become a geologist, you need to begin by earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology or a closely related field such as Environmental Science. Completing coursework in geology, mathematics, and physics is a great way to build an educational foundation for your prospective career as a geologist.
Depending on where your career ambitions and interests lie, you will likely need a graduate degree in geology to become a senior-level geologist. Employers also usually accept a degree in Environmental Engineering provided the candidate has experience in geology.

Depending on the requirements of the employer, a Master’s degree in Geology or Environmental Science is typically sufficient for many applied research positions. To become a geologist who works in research and university teaching positions a Ph.D. in Geology or Environmental Science is needed.
Geologists must also complete continuing education throughout their careers to keep their skills current stay up to date with advancements in the field.

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